
Business information system "NIBIS", is designed for medium and large enterprises. It is made modular so that each module can be used as a independent application, but the modules are interconnected to show their greatest strength and represent the ideal solution.

NIBIS (NextVision Business Information System) offers you the opportunity to easily and effectively monitor your business.



Business Information System NIBIS is a unique software solution whose basic goals are:

  • Simplification and acceleration of the business process

  • Facilitating work for system users

  • Easy and fast access to all data within the system



The business information system enables data recording and reporting, and consists of the following modules:

  • Financial Operations

  • Material Accounting

  • General Book

  • Permanent Assets

  • Payroll Calculation

  • POS - Point of Sale

Financial Operations

Material Accounting

General Book

Permanent Assets

Payroll Calculation

POS - Point Of Sale


Financial Operations

Financial Operations includes all processes related to monitoring the payment of all supplies of goods and services to customers, tracking payments to suppliers by input invoices, as well as records of open items of customers and suppliers with the ability to create reports on the financial condition of customers and tax reporting reports.

Financial Operations

The financial operations are monitored through a module that is divided into the following units:

Input / Output Invoice Records

Tax registration

Record of cash transactions




Statement of Open Items (IOS)

Other financial accounts


Material Accounting

The Material Accounting module includes the monitoring of warehouse conditions, the process of selling and procuring goods, calculating commodity prices and planning inventories. Material accounting documents operate at the level of the organizational unit, with the exception of documents that represent the transfer of items from one warehouse to another.

Based on the type of organizational unit, the principle of material accounting should be defined for the following types of warehouse: retail store, wholesale warehouse, warehouse at purchase price, wholesale warehouse at purchase price, other types of warehouse...

Material Accounting

All the mechanisms and merchandise documents that are necessary for the processes of merchandising are covered:

Planning Supplies

Plan Calculation (pricelist)

Procurement Processes

Processes of Receiving Goods


Discount Policy

Price lists for customers

Warehouse Business

Intermediate Business

Trading Books


Processes of sale and dispatch of goods

General Book

The general book is a record of all business changes occurring in a financial position and reflects the performance of the company on balance sheet and off-balance sheet records according to the principles of dual accounting. Changes are recorded by pre-defined accounts with the possibility of developing according to user-defined additional classifications (place of cost, functional classification, fund classification, etc.).

Based on this record, the balance sheet accounts, income statement, gross balance (daily, periodic, defined criteria), as well as bookkeeping cards of partners and account cards are generated. The record of changes in the system is closely related to the modules of material accounting, financial operations, fixed assets, payroll and work contracts. Within the module of the general  book are templates for automatic posting of daily changes, which can be applied to the documents of the previously mentioned modules, if they meet the template conditions.


Posting daily changes

Posting templates

Search database items

Defining a chart of accounts

Reports (balance sheets, cards ...)

Automatic posting of documents

Fixed assets

A record of fixed assets is a record of the tangible and intangible assets of a company that has been acquired in order to successfully carry out the business activities of the company in a longer period of time.

The business-information system enables the monitoring of fixed assets in all aspects that are standard for all types of companies. The fixed asset module includes the following items: fixed assets records, fixed assets documents and fixed assets reports.


Fixed assets

Fixed assets documents are divided by types that define how the value of the asset changes. Types of documents that can be created are:

Amortization of fixed assets

Increase in value

Sale of fixed assets

Disposal of fixed assets

Revaluation of fixed assets

Decrease in value

Putting it out of use

Registration of fixed assets

Returning the asset to use


Records of workers and basic data on workers can be performed in the salary module. On the basis of the entered data, the user of the business-information system makes the calculation of salaries, all necessary reports as well as export forms to the Tax Administration. The module meets all legal regulations.

In this module, it is possible to record loans and terminations for employees as well as to automatically calculate them for each payment. There is a possibility of automatic posting of accounts according to the defined posting templates.



The Module Payroll contains the following menus with the following options:



Types of payment


Payment order

Automatic Export of payment order

Upload of payment order for banks

Accounting reports

Periodical reports

POS - Point Of Sale

After launching the program, the open window contains two panels:


Account items

The Items panel displays a list of goods and services for which a POS invoice can be issued. By choosing an item, the item must be entered in the Invoice panel, after which it is possible to issue an invoice.

POS - Point Of Sale

Here are some of the most important functionalities:

Opening cash turnover

Print invoice

Cash turnover overview

Cancellation option


Integration with external systems

Try Nibis

A business information system designed for medium and large enterprises that provides users record of business processes.

Contact us


If you are interested in any of our products, please contact us.


Kolodvorska 11A, 71000, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina


+387 33 714 400

+387 33 714 401