Record of working hours
The obligation to keep records is prescribed by "the Rulebook on the Content and Manner of Keeping Records of Workers and Other Persons Hired at Work" (Official Gazette of FBiH, No. 92/16 of 18.11.2016).
Employee records is a web-based application based on modern technologies and designed as a set of carefully designed functionalities to facilitate the tracking and recording of employee working hours.
The application is made in accordance with the current legislation and allows recording of the beginning and end of working hours, records of sick leave, overtime, vacation, and other data on the presence of workers at the workplace.
Through the system, statutory reports are provided in Excel format for possible further processing and creation of additional reports based on registered employee information.

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Kolodvorska 11A, 71000, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
+387 33 714 400
+387 33 714 401